week in review 2024-42

It’s been a while, and the lengthy gap in posts here has taught me something valuable about habit and routine. If you’re like me, and you want to do something new and make it a part of your routine (like me at the start of the year when I started writing these things) the worst thing that can happen to you is a gap. A pause in routine completely derails me, and that’s clearly what has happened here. 24 weeks this year, nearly halfway and the first gap, then a longer second gap and eventually the posts dry up. I’m not sure what the remedy is other “do the thing”, but maybe I just need to be more intentional, actually block out some time on the calendar every week to sit down and write. I can knock out a thousand words pretty quick, but it looks like I might need to hold a proverbial gun to my own head to make it happen.

Notes on the week(s)

With all that aside, it’s been a hectic summer and start of autumn.

We are well and truly settled in our new apartment. For reasons far too interesting to share publicly we’ve had to replace all the furniture in the flat, and over the course of about a week managed to acquire replacements for everything for less than €300 (and 200 of that was renting vans!). The Dutch buy-and-sell website Marktplaats is absolutely incredible, the sheer volume of items that people are looking to either sell quick or get rid of for free is wild. Obviously for a “forever home” we might be more intentional about the items we choose, but for what is only ever going to be a relatively short time here, I think the eclectic collection of pieces is actually great!

I’ve joined a co-working space in the city. I go three days a week and enjoy the luxuries of blazing fast internet, coffee and snacks galore and the joy of meeting new people. I say that last part only half sarcastically, because the last year of ‘restarting’ life over here without knowing anyone other than Elle has taught me to really enjoy meeting new people. Plus there’s a weird psychological trick at play, when arriving home after travelling to and from the office that makes the work day feel more done.

Elle has been so busy lately, with three exhibitions, a publication and a reading in just the last few weeks. The exhibitions featured three new works, the first was a series of analog photos of pencil drawings inspired by old Irish stories taken from the children’s story archives, that were projected by an old slide projector (I got to help out here by building a controller that would automatically advance the projector). The second was a pair of one metre tall glass cyanotypes made from images of the building that was hosting the show (yes, they were as difficult to make as that sounds) and the third was an installation piece with old metal farm equipment, CRT TVs and some 3D rendered imagery. I’d love to travel back in time and show a younger Ellen all the crazy tools, techniques and materials that she’s going to be working with in the future. She’d be shook.

How I animate 3Blue1Brown | A Manim demo with Ben Sparks

I built a retro Mac from BRAND NEW parts!

Being Raised by the Internet

Enterprise Philosophy and The First Wave of AI

11 laws of showrunning nice version

After Apple, Jony Ive Is Building an Empire of His Own

How I Built an NFC Movie Library for my Kids

Watch: Cruise ships chopped in half are a license to print money

Words on Founder Mode

The secret inside One Million Checkboxes

Shot On iPhone 15 Pro Max by Me. No gimbal, no lens, no filter!

A quick note on the links section here.

I’ve been collecting links in Raindrop for the past year, but was frustrated by the process of moving them from Raindrop into a post. I had to copy the link, paste it into Obsidian, wrap it in brackets, then go back to Raindrop and copy the title to paste in square brackets ( [Link Title](link.url)). I had checked Raindrop’s export to csv and txt, but unfortunately they only export the URL, not the titles. Only this morning did I check the other export option, html, which does exactly what I need, and turns the link dump from a tedious job, to about three clicks.


Currently reading Femina by Janina Ramírez, which is a study of female figures throughout medieval history that have been ignored or written out of the established narrative. Not very far into it yet, but it’s really enjoyable.


The Empire podcast by William Dalrymple and Anita Anand is a fascinating journey through the rise, fall and influence of the major empires that have existed over time.

Somehow I ended up going down a Jethro Tull rabbit hole recently, and I will never get sick of listening to the “Heavy Horses” album.

My Bike(s)

My bike isn’t really fancy. It’s a lot better than the first one I got when we moved here, but that only cost €50 from a charity shop. One time both pedals fell off at once when I had just left the apartment, so I parked up, locked the bike and just left the pedals resting on the back pannier rack. Incredibly when I got back after a few hours, the pedals were still there so I had to get it fixed. A few weeks later during the middle of moving house it was stolen. Maybe it was the stress of moving, or maybe it was the achievement of a sort of Rotterdam right-of-passage, but I was kind of glad to see the back of that first bike. By the time it was stolen I’d put more money into fixing it than I’d spent to buy the damned thing.

My new bike is a Union Flow, and I got it second-hand after a life spent as part of a fleet for a now defunct bike rental company. It’s a kind of retro-modern take on the classic Dutch “Oma-Fiets”. Six of the seven gears work really well, and it’s the first bike I’ve ridden with an internal gear mechanism. It’s really cool being able to shift through the gears whilst stationary, and I can see why even though they’re heavy and really tough to work on, they make for amazing city bike transmissions. It’s a really ugly colour, and it’s still covered in the stickers from the rental company that used to own it, but I love this bike.

Having a bike opens up the city in a way that I haven’t experienced before. Have a look at the map below, it shows how far you can cycle in 20 minutes from the city centre. If you’re really eagle eyed you might have noticed that the area covered includes the airport! Granted, there are no regular flights in or out of RTM that I’d be taking, so the cycle access is a moot point, but the fact that I could is amazing.

There are a few things at work that make cycling in the Netherlands uniquely wonderful. First, and there’s no way around this, the place is really, really flat. The tallest mountain in the entire country is only 322 metres tall. That doesn’t even reach the Irish definition of mountain at all (a peak above 500 metres). Being flat makes the physical act of cycling a lot easier, but what makes it so accessible is the incredible infrastructure and societal acceptance. Cyclists are not second class citizens here, with well maintained, separated cycle lanes everywhere and are treated with patience by other road users on the occasion that there is not a dedicated lane. I actually dread the thoughts of cycling around somewhere like Dublin or Cork, as I will almost certainly be likely to at least try when we move home.

Week in review 2024-34

Tempted to rebrand to the Month in Review, or maybe even the Quarter.

Notes on the week

It’s not quite the end of summer, but we’re getting close. It’s been so hot for the past few weeks, to the point where it was actually a relief to cycle across the city in the rain a few nights ago. I was on the way to a cycling workshop, where volunteers meet up once a week to help people with problems they might be having with their bike. I don’t have much to offer in terms of knowledge of bike repair, but I’m eager to build up a bit of experience and it was nice to be able to help a few kids that came by last week with some minor problems. This is all in service of my new found addiction, cycling.

It dawned on me recently that once we leave the Netherlands, I’ll probably never have access to such incredible cycle infrastructure again in my life, so why not take advantage of it? I took my first test ride of an ultra-lightweight racing bike last week, and I’m hooked. The experience is so unlike my city bike that it’s actually offensive to consider them as the same mode of transport. The weight of the racing bike is the first thing you notice, it’s actually disconcerting to the point where I caught myself continuously picking ip up at just marvelling at how little effort was needed to lift it off the ground. The second, and more visceral thing is the riding position. On a city bike you’re upright, with your back more or less straight and turning your arms gently to suggest which way the bike should go. On the road bike you lean forward, hands on the drop bars attacking the road. The weight of the bike, the riding position and the tight width of the handlebars make the whole thing feel more “connected”, you demand the bike to turn and it duly obliges, you push more power through your legs and the bike responds with more and more speed.

Sufficed to say, I’m a convert, and have spent the last few nights browsing Marktplats.nl trying to find my own road bike. Cycling is one of those hobbies where no matter how much money you have to spend, someone is selling something that feels just out of your reach, and after a couple of conversations with people that have been cycling for a long time, the best move is to buy an old road bike in decent nick, fix up any little bits that need attention and just get riding. The Canyons and Specialized carbon frames will always be there in the future, but the most important thing is to get out on the road. Just this morning I had actually hoped to go for a test ride on a bike I found during the week, but the owner just messaged to let me know that someone had gotten in before me! The hunt continues.

Since my last update here, we’ve had a great trip to Finland where we spent some time in Helsinki before travelling north to see Elle’s sister play at a folk music festival in Kaustinen. It was an amazing trip from start to finish, but the most incredible thing was witnessing perpetual daylight once we got up north. It just never got fully dark, and even though these aren’t the most ideal conditions for sleeping in tents, I was really glad we were camping because there were no walls or curtains to obstruct the feeling of constant daytime. One night we got back to our tent around 2am, at the ‘darkest’ part of the night, and we could see clearly all around us. The sun actually set below the horizon for what felt like around 20 minutes, before the first glimpses of it emerging again began. I can’t even imagine what it must be like in winter, when this process is reversed and the folks up there live in almost constant darkness.

We then travelled home for some work stuff, and got to spend some time catching up with friends and family. Then roughly 24 hours after we travelled back to the Netherlands my family were over to visit. This was their first time seeing the new apartment and it felt really good to have them, especially considering how much more “our space” the new place feels. We were basically housesitting the last apartment, waiting for the owner to return, whereas we’re really able to put a stamp of this flat. The next week a few of our friends came to visit and just last week one of Elle’s sisters came to stay for a few days as well! It’s been a busy few weeks, I think it might be clear why updating this blog has been low on the priority list.

The moral bankruptcy of Andreessen Horowitz: www.theverge.com/2024/7/24…

What happens if you connect Windows XP to the internet today? : www.youtube.com/watch

Tritone substitutions are musical magic: johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com/2024/07/2…

Releasing a pro video app in four months: www.lux.camera/kino-a-pr…

Is Oral History more durable than written history?: www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/…

Logos on prosthetics are like tattoos you never asked for: kottke.org/24/08/004…

A Tetris clone for the PlayStation 1: github.com/jbreckmck…

Getting started with Capture the Flags: www.youtube.com/watch


Last time I wrote, I had just finished Scott Lynch’s “The Lies of Locke Lamora”. I’ve since gone on to finish the series, or at least as much of the series that exists today. I discovered not long after finishing the first book that the author had planned for this to be a six part series, but the most recent book to be released was book 3, and that was ten years ago! It made the read through of book 3 a bit tough, knowing that it would likely leave me wanting more, without any sign that the author would ever get around to finishing the series. I couldn’t believe it, just days after finishing the book, that Lynch announced that he had finished work on three novellas to bridge the gap between books 3 and 4, and is expecting them to release soon! I feel bad for those that have been waiting ten years for new material, but I’m really happy that I (hopefully) won’t have to wait much longer.


It’s getting to that time of the election cycle, where no matter how much I convince myself that I want to tune out and just let it happen, I find myself hooked to every news source, poll and opinion that I can find. “The Rest is Politics” is addressing my political podcast needs, and manages a decent spread of focus across US, EU and world topics.

Rónán Ó Snodaigh, of Kíla fame, has a massive back catalogue of solo work, but I had missed this album he made with Myles O’Reilly back in the pandemic days. It’s a great listen, but track 3, “Tá’n t’Áth Liom” really, really stands out.

Week in review 2024-27

And weeks 21, 22, 23 etc. It’s been a while.

Notes on the week

I’ve started a Substack. This is a term that is quickly becoming the new “I’ve started a podcast”, but I’ve been looking for an outlet to write about my favourite sport, Formula One, for a while now and thought that it might be fun to play around with a weekly newsletter. Hopefully I’m a little more diligent about it than I’ve been with this blog. If you want to check it out, it’s here . The F1 Gods were smiling down on me this weekend by giving me plenty to write about after a shocking moment in the Austrian Grand Prix.

The hackerspace I joined in Rotterdam, the Pixelbar has moved to a new location. This time last year the Pixelbar, and a number of other organisations, were the victims of a terrible fire at the Keileweg, where they had been situated for the previous eight years. Thankfully no one was hurt, but years and years of projects, progress and memories were gone in a matter of moments. For the past few months the Pixelbar has been operating out of a small temporary space, but last month we got the keys to our new space, at De Kroon, a former electrical factory that is now a home to over a hundred different businesses, artists, makers and more.

As a group we’ve spent the last few weeks preparing the new space - building new walls, making workbenches and storage spaces, rewiring the electrics and so, so, so much cleaning. This weekend was moving day, and over the course of about 14 hours we moved everything from the old space to our new home. Just like any move, we’re still finding our feet, and there’s lots more to do, but it feels amazing to be part of a little community of like minded people that have a new, permanent place to call our own in the city.

We’ve been in the middle of a bit of heat wave the last few days, so we took a trip out to Hoek van Holland over the weekend to cool off. After a day of chilling out in the sun and going for a swim we had a beautiful dinner at one of the restaurants along the beachfront. During the day we had seen lots of families out flying kites, and it came up that Elle had never flown a kite before. A quick trip to one of the beach shops quickly remedied this situation, and we spent the last part of our time on the sand learning to fly our new kite. With the heat finally starting to calm down, we hopped on the metro and travelled back to the city, and have been finding sand around the apartment for days since!

Elle has finished her first year of her Masters! It’s hard to believe that it has come around so fast, but this week she’ll hand in her final assignment for the semester, officially drawing to a close the academic year. One thing I’ve learned is that doing an MFA is not at all like doing a typical Masters programme, as much as it is about research and academic rigour it is also deeply tied to your creative output, and all the potential pitfalls that come with that. What happens if inspiration doesn’t strike? What if the fear of knowing that a grade is associated with your creativity holds you back from experimenting and trying new things, forcing you to stick with what you know? I’m so proud of how she’s handled the transition from B.A to MFA, and she is building a really impressive body of work here, taking on new mediums and really immersing herself in the experience. I can’t wait to see where it takes her as she prepares for her Grad Show this time next year.

Speaking of Grad Shows, we went to the Grad Show for the current crop of second years. It was a really nice evening hosted at the Piet Zwart Institute, where each graduate took over one of the large studio spaces in the building to show off the culmination of their two years of work. A drinks reception was hosted outside, and thankfully the weather in Rotterdam has been amazing the past couple of days, so there were plenty of people milling about. Towards the end of the evening the students hosted an auction to raise funds for the annual trip I mentioned a few weeks ago. Both students and faculty members submitted pieces of work to the auction and every last piece sold! We picked up a few pieces throughout the event, and I’m looking forward to brining them home next week to decorate the new apartment.


The Lie of Locke Lamora” by Scott Lynch is the first in his Gentleman Bastards series, and was recommended to me over a year ago by a friend of mine. I never quite got around to starting it, but a few days ago I finally gave it a chance and adored every second of it. It tells the tale of a group of professional thieves, raised from a young age to be masters of their trade. I devoured it, and fell in love with the characters, the world and the premise. I’ve already started book two.


It’s Tour De France time, so it’s daily episodes of the Lantern Rouge Cycling Podcast. I got into listening to these guys during the 2022 tour, when I was watching with my Dad. They are clearly extremely knowledgable about the sport, but present in a very approachable manner, and it’s actually helped me learn a lot about the intricacies of grand tour racing.



















Week in review 2024-20

RSI and split keyboards, Elle goes to Belgium, what the hell is Deep Dip 2?

Notes on the week

An annual tradition at the Piet Zwart Institute is the Fine Art class trip, where the first and second year groups travel somewhere in Europe together for a break right before the end of year assessments. This year they’re gone to a little town just outside of Liege in Belgium, and as I check the news tonight it’s currently experiencing a massive flood! Thankfully they all arrived safe in their little convoy of vans to the beautiful chateau they’re taking over for the weekend. Hopefully the weather will clear up and they’ll have a great time, and whilst Elle is away I get to spend an obnoxious amount of time watching all the formula 1 sessions from this weekend’s race at Imola.

As I’m typing this, I’m feeling a small bit of pain in my right ring finger. This has been a problem for me since my final year in college, I remember it flaring up for the first time typing up my final year project. Considering how much of my professional and private life is spent with two hands on a keyboard I’m surprised it doesn’t flare up more often, but I think I’ve gotten to the point where I need to start listening to the warning signs my body are sending, so I’ve started to research some alternative keyboards. I want to try an ortho-linear board, and one with significantly fewer keys so there is less reaching and stretching. I also want a split keyboard, so that I can rest my hands at a more natural width apart. Combined with my desire to do another ‘hardware’ project after the E-Ink display, I think I’m going to build my own Corne split keyboard. I think the ultra minimal layout and having to learn home row mods and layers will enforce a more deliberate practice when typing, and hopefully force me to unlearn decades of bad habits.

Trackmania is a game that I’ve been aware of for a long time, but have never really spent too much time playing or following. It’s a racing game where the basic premise is that players compete with one another to finish a track as quickly as possible. There are no collisions or overtaking, just the player against the track and the stopwatch. This description doesn’t really do justice to just how challenging some of these tracks can be, the speed and technicality really ramps up quick. A Trackmania player, ‘Wirtual’, has been showing up in my recommended YouTube videos for a little while, and this week I saw a video about something called “Deep Dip 2”.

Deep Dip 2 is a track created by 16 of the most talented track creators in the Trackmania scene, who worked together for over a year to build the ultimate challenge for players, a 16 floor hillclimb that is designed to push players to the absolute limit of their abilities. There is a real world prize pool for the first person to complete the track, and the last time I checked it was around €30,000. Unlike a normal Trackmania competition, where players have a set amount of time to try and set the fastest time on the leaderboards, the challenge here is to become the first person to finish the track. It’s been a week now, and no one has even got close. At the time of writing someone has made it to floor 13 of 16, and out of thousands of participants fewer than 10 have made it further than floor 8. It’s a wild competition to keep an eye on, and watching the progression of the payers as they overcome obstacles that looked to be impossible only a day or two ago. I’ll be keeping watch as the challenge progresses, and I’m rooting for Wirtual to make a big comeback! There are two great sites to track people’s progress through the challenge, one made by (for?) Wirtual here and another made by Loah here

Ireland’s last Basking Shark hunter

A tiny bike pump

Why did our ancestors make art in the dark?

How Cicadas ‘sing’

Whales have an alphabet??

Exploring Japan’s lost heritage on Sakhalin Island

The first planetarium

A quick start guide to the Teenage Engineering KO II

What iPadOS continues to get wrong


Not much really, hopefully will get through a lot more next week when I’m back home in Kilkenny.


It’s Billie Eilish album week, and on a first listen it’s a great record. Definitely a departure from her previous work, and lots of fun.

Week in review 2024-19

Aurora’s above Kilkenny, SV Charlois and dinner parties

Notes on the week

I love space. I am fundamentally aligned with the idea that humanity should become an interplanetary species, and that the need to explore the unknown is hard coded into our DNA. I remember when I was very little, being in the back of my parents car driving home from visiting friends, looking up into the night sky and being scared. I couldn’t tell you why for certain, but I was probably beginning to get a grasp for just how tiny our little blue drop in the Universe truly is. Now, many years later and a little bit more informed as to just how infinitesimally small we are, oddly when I look up at the night sky I feel nothing but wonder and awe.

This is all a long winded of saying, when the Space Weather reports forecast a once in a lifetime Coronal Mass Ejection aimed straight at Earth I was raging that I had made my plans to travel home at the end of May, and not the start! The Aurora Borealis, visible above Kilkenny! I have never felt so jealous of, and at the same time so happy for, my family that they got to see it. My sister happened to be home that night and the pictures they got together under the Northern Lights were incredible to see.

I’ve joined a football club. Kind of. SV Charlois is the nearest football club to our new flat, and as part of an attempt to integrate more in the community, get a little fitter and have a bit of fun before my knees truly pack it in, I decided to check out if they have a very ‘amateur’ team. Turns out they have dozens of teams, across all age ranges from kids all the way up to ‘walking football’ for seniors. I went to watch their Sunday morning men’s team play this week, and the standard is exactly what I’m looking for, a little slow on the physical side but fully committed on the competitive end. The season is just coming to an end, so I can’t join properly until June ahead of the next season, but I’m going to go watch more games over the coming weeks.

We had guests for Dinner! Elle invited a couple of the girls from college around to our flat for dinner, and it was really nice! We definitely need more dishes and cutlery if this is going to become a recurring thing, I ate out of a piece of tupperware with a plastic fork (the guests got priority when it came to real dinnerware). The weather here is amazing at the moment, so we had our balcony doors open to let the sun and summer breeze in, and Elle made an amazing pasta dish that went down a treat. We also got asked the ultimate neighbour question, to keep a set of our friends apartment keys in our house in case they ever get locked out. I think we’re properly settled in now.

The book of secret knowledge

Personal Computing paves the way

No Web without Women

India’s AI war rooms during an election year

How do IMEI numbers work

The drinking fountain button is tragically misunderstood

Musical notation using CSS

How to keep fit in Lunar gravity

Losing my hands

Every map of China is a lie

Woodworking as an escape from programming

The Nature of Code


I’m intentionally taking my time with Wuthering Heights, and just taking a chapter a night before bed. I’m really enjoying it, and doesn’t feel anything like the chore that Moby Dick was. It’s one of Elle’s favourite books so I’m really looking forward to getting deeper into it and chatting with her about it. Before reading the book, I was aware of the name ‘Heathcliff’ but knew literally nothing about him, I wonder where his character goes throughout the novel, but so far he’s not exactly the gentleman that I had in my head.


The Kendrick/Drake beef is all the music world can talk about right now, but beyond even the tracks released by the artists themselves, the highlight has to be BBL Drizzy, an AI generated song by King Willonius

Week in review 2024-18

The Vision Pro, Elle’s work trip and Adrian Newey shocks the F1 World

Notes on the week

I got to try out Apple’s Vision Pro headset this week. I thought it was going to be a long time before I got to try out the headset, but one of the PixelBar members has one for some of the work he’s doing for his day job, and brought it to the hackerspace for people to try out. After a few minutes using it, I’m convinced that this is the future of computing. Not in it’s current form - it’s far to heavy, bulky and inconvenient - but it feels obvious to me that the augmented reality view of presenting computing as a layer over the physical world feels like the next natural evolution in personal computing. Computers have gone from something we needed massive rooms for, to something we dedicated a space for in our homes, to something we carried in backpacks, to something we cant bear to let out of our sight. Our relationship with technology grows more and more personal over time, and after spending a moment inside the Vision Pro’s pass through spatial computing world I cannot wait to see where this technology goes over the next five to ten years.

Elle is home this week for another gig photographing an exhibition. I’m so proud of her for carving out this niche, a life in the arts is such an uncertain one, and to have a skillset that can be used for paying work on a regular basis and keeps her involved in the art scene at home is just fantastic to see. I might be biased, but I think she is insanely good at documenting exhibition spaces, and curators must agree with me because she’s already been booked for another gig later this year! Whilst she’s away I have the new flat to myself just after settling in, which is a recurring theme for us. Every single time we’ve moved into a new place as a couple, one of us has had to leave within the first week for work. The first time was in Limerick, where Elle started an artist residency in Dublin a couple of days after we moved into a house with our friends from college, then when we arrived in Rotterdam I had to fly home after a few days to finish up a project for Ericsson. I guess if the pattern continues then I’m next to have some urgent work trip when we eventually leave Charlois. I wonder what it will be.

The new office furniture arrived, and just as promised the delivery guys brought it to the front door and no further. For a €15 delivery fee I’m not holding it against them, but I (perhaps somewhat stubbornly) had to drag the desk up to the third floor on my own. I say stubbornly, because I could have spent a little time to disassemble it outside and bring it up piece by piece, but I did the lazy man’s load and lugged it up in one go. If anything had gone wrong, imagine how embarrassing the news article would have been? “Irish man abroad crushed by second hand bureau”,

In F1 Corner, Adrian Newey has decided to leave Red Bull at the end of the 2024 season. This is seismic news. In the 32 years since 1992, a Newey designed car has won 14 World Championships, and is all but certain to add a 15th this year. That’s a remarkable hit rate in a sport that attracts the greatest engineering minds from all around the world, and a huge loss for the Red Bull organisation that seems to be doing everything in it’s power to self destruct internally, despite utter dominance on the track. We don’t know where Newey is going next, but if Fred Vasseur can lure him to Ferrari, after already poaching Lewis Hamilton to the Scuderia for next year, they’ll build statues of the French man in Maranello.

Rooster Teeth founders play Halo for one last time

Remaking Toy Story 2 game in Unreal Engine 5

Details of the Voyager repair performed across the solar system

Bertrand Serlet explains why LLMs work

The rise and fall of the LAN party

Keep a WTF Journal


Wuthering Heights is next on my list to get through this year, and with zero background knowledge the first few chapters are already ‘spookier’ than I was expecting.


I’ve been in such a David Bowie mood this week

Week in review 2024-17

Week one in the new house, delivered a week later

Notes on the week

I’ve been remiss in my duty to writing these updates. I’m going to blame moving and no one will argue with me, it’s a stressful thing to do!

We’re up and running in our new home in Charlois, and by we I mean me, because Elle had to travel home this week for a job.She’s shooting another exhibition in Ireland. The place already feels a lot like home, the minimal decoration of the flat when we moved in meant that all our little trinkets and personal stuff really stand out, and I love that. I spent the week working from the kitchen table, as the ‘office’ room is completely unfurnished, but a trip to our favourite charity shop ‘Het Goed’ has solved that. We found a desk, an office chair and a few other bits and pieces that we needed for €80, including delivery.

They’re due to arrive next Monday. They only deliver to the front door though, and with Elle away that means I’m going to have to navigate getting these things up three flights of stairs (no elevator is a pain) on my own. If anyone spots a deranged looking person disassembling a desk on the side of the road in Charlois next week, don’t judge.

The same day that we went to Het Goed to get some furniture, I also got a new bike. During the weekend of moving, my bike was stolen from outside our old flat in Glashaven. The glass half full take here is that it meant one less thing to move?

When we got to Rotterdam we were advised that if we didn’t have indoor storage (we didn’t), don’t buy good bikes. We spent very little on ours, and managed to get a surprisingly long time out of them. They were a bit rough around the edges, and have needed some TLC over the months to keep them going, but two bikes for roughly €100 wasn’t bad! I guess that’s why I don’t feel too bad about mine being robbed, it was either going to let me down mechanically in a way that was too expensive to justify fixing, or get stolen, and I was aware of both eventualities.

One of the great things about our new place is that we have access to a basement. Each apartment has it’s own storage room underground, and honestly it’s pretty big. I think in Dublin you could probably rent the space out for a grand a month. With the security of having somewhere to lock up safely I felt better spending a little more on a little better bike, and on Wednesday went to Mega Bikes, a massive bike shop with locations across the city. I got a second hand city bike in great condition for €250, and it is such an upgrade on my old bike. It’s so much smoother, lighter and faster, and I feel much more comfortable on it.

The added benefit of having the basement room is that if I do need to perform any maintenance or repairs on the bike, I have somewhere to do it that isn’t the side of the road! When Elle gets back we’re going to get her up and running with a new bike too, because if my old bike was hanging on by a thread before it was stolen, hers is held together by hope.


The hardest thing in Computer Science is centering stuff

Pushing Halo 2 and the original xbox into HD

Humans lived in ancient lava tubes

25 years of working in engineering

Why the modern internet is shit

Crazy Charlie

Fabien Sanglard breaks down a SNES cartridge

Equinox, a browser based first person mystery in space


I’ve finished my journey aboard the Pequod. It took far, far longer than I ever could have expected. Moby Dick is a big book, but not excessively long (especially in comparison to some of the longer fantasy books I’ve read a la Sanderson or Robert Jordan), but it was such a struggle to get through. I described it to friends recently as having prose that was written just recent enough that the english is perfectly understandable, but long enough ago into the past that the structure and phrases are so different to what I’m used to that I really had to take my time to make sure I was getting the correct meaning of each sentence.

Overall, I’m really happy that I stuck with it. I nearly gave up on it many times, but I actually feel a real sense of satisfaction having gotten through it. Ishmael’s meandering narration annoyed me at first, but as the book went on it actually drew me in. In the same way Andy Weir’s The Martian is so compelling as a series of journal entries, Moby Dick feels more like Ishmael’s private thoughts on the topic of whaling rather than a story being told for our pleasure.

Clocking in at an average 1,800 words read per day, it might be the slowest I’ve read a book since I was a child, but on reflection that was kind of a cool experience too, as the tiny slices of narrative I took in every day read like a daily dispatch from Ishmael, rather than a broken up long form piece. For comparison, after I finished I finally got round to reading “Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir, which I devoured and finished within 24 hours. 9/10 Book, would highly recommend.


For whatever reason, last summer I got really into watching the Tour de France with my Dad. Like most people I knew roughly what the Tour was about, a team based cycling race across France, dipping into other countries on occasion before ending with the final stage in Paris, but had no idea of the complexity of strategy employed by the teams to get their riders to the front of the peloton. I looked up some YouTube videos to find out the backstory of the great rivalry we were watching, Pogacar vs Vingegaard, and along the way stumbled across the Lantern Rouge cycling podcast. I learned more over a few days listening to these two guys breakdown the event than I had in a lifetime of casually observing the Tour. I’ve kept up listening to them long after Jonas won his second Tour, and even if I’m not a massive cycling fan, still find it really enjoyable.

Week in review 2024-16

Mission complete: Housing Acquired

Notes on the week

We’ve moved! This Sunday was our last day in our first apartment in Rotterdam. The last few weeks and months have been spent trying to find our next place to live, and thankfully we finally found somewhere. Unsurprisingly it went right down to the wire, with us only signing the lease on Thursday, moving Friday and Saturday, and cleaning our old place Sunday. Our new apartment is in Charlois, in the south of the city and is a little bit out of the city centre, but it’s got two bedrooms (i.e a bedroom and an office), is pretty well kept and is within our budget.

The last apartment we lived in was beautiful, with stunning views overlooking an old harbour and was tastefully decorated. I tend to think about it as being ‘opinionated’ and I guess that makes sense, as we were only ever renting short term and it was someone’s home at the end of the day. Our new place in contrast is a blank canvas. There are only the bare minimum of furnishings and it really feels like somewhere that we can make our own as we settle into it. Already after just a few hours it feel more like a reflection of us than the other place ever did, even though I will never not long for coffee mornings spent looking out over the water.

The logistics of moving were tough. We don’t have a car, and for two people that moved here on a plane, we have a surprisingly large volume of stuff. Thankfully we kept all the boxes from when we shipped over some of our bigger things, and have built up a collection of these small An Post parcel boxes from months of care packages sent from home! Elle did the Lions share of the packing, as I had to work through the week, and so by Friday evening we had all of our stuff more or less ready to go.

I rented a van from Van ’t hart, a recommendation from a colleague at the Pixelbar, and drove the short 10 minute trip from Kralingse to our old flat. I haven’t driven in a few months, and for my first trip to be on the ‘wrong’ side of the road, in a van with no rear-view mirror, in a city I only know as a pedestrian or cyclist, surrounded by other cars and bikes at Rush Hour, was an experience. I managed to survive without hitting anything or anyone, and found a parking spot just across from the flat. Then the boxes. So many boxes, some heavy and some light, some big and some small, all of them on the sixth floor of our building. This is a good time to mention that the elevator in our building only goes to the fifth floor.

Two full loads of the van back and forth across the city, and finally at around 11pm all our stuff was in. Our neighbours must hate us already. The new place is on the 2nd floor, but there is no lift so we had to bring everything up the stairs. I normally take a bit of time at night to fall asleep, I don’t even remember lying down Friday night. I had to be up Saturday morning to return the van for 8am, and spent a bit of time in town picking up some things that we noticed the new place doesn’t have. I’m sure we’ll come across more and more as the weeks go on, but the biggest item right now is a desk. I’ve taken over the dining table for work for the next few days.

Sunday was spent exclusively cleaning, and by the time I left the old apartment I don’t think a surface remained in the flat that you couldn’t sit and seat a three course meal off of. Of course in my tiredness I left a bag over there, and will have to annoy my old landlord next week about collecting, but other than that, we are out. We’re settling into Charlois, figuring out our new routine for getting around, which busses and metros to take, what’s good to eat around here, where the nice walks are, where the bad walks are etc. It was exhausting but it feels really exciting, and I can’t wait for us to be properly settled in.

What if everyone jumped at once?

What is a teenager?

We need to rewind the internet

The deep sea cables that power in the internet, and the ships that repair them

House hunting is a fever dream

AI isn’t useless

The biggest art fraud in US history


Anything other than Rental Listings! The sheer number of email updates I’ve unsubscribed from is beautiful!

I’m this close to finishing Moby Dick, haven’t got a huge amount of pages done this week as it’s been so busy, but I’m really enjoying the conclusion of this book.


You’re dead to me” is a comedy podcast that “takes history seriously”. Each episode pairs a historian with a comedian and they discuss a famous figure or period in history. I love laughing whilst I learn

Week in review 2024-15

House hunting enters the final stages

Notes on the week

This week has been dominated with the search for housing. As a recap, our landlord is returning from an extended work trip in the next few days, and we’ve been searching to find a new place to live for the past two months. This has been a pretty challenging experience, with the Netherlands going through a similar housing crisis to what’s happening in Ireland at the moment. Thankfully, in the past few days we’ve received offers for two apartments that we’re happy to accept, but for a minute there it was starting to look rough. With this experience in mind I thought it might be worth outlining a few thoughts on the experience.

There are a number of housing platforms in the market here in the Netherlands. Back home in Ireland my impression is that Daft.ie has the lions share of the traditional market, but here there are at least two major platforms, Funda and Pararius. Beyond those there are smaller players, and the individual estate agent’s websites as well (but those agents tend to post all their listings on one or both of the big platforms). Funda and Pararius are dominated by estate agents, but there is a healthy market for individual landlords as well, with sites like HousingAnywhere and Kamernet having a pretty good supply of houses and apartments.

Anecdotally we have had the most success with Kamernet - it’s where we found the apartment we’re living in right now, and also where one of our two prospects this time round was found. This doesn’t tell the whole story though, as the experience of using Kamernet is atrocious. The design is infuriating, basic features like search filters reset all the time, saved searches don’t save at all (what is the point), the messaging platform that’s built into the app feels like something built in the 90s but less resilient and on top of this they charge a monthly fee.

We’ve probably applied for close to, if not more than, 200 apartments in the past few weeks. Of those applications we were invited to view around 20. The vast majority of the houses that we saw were of a reasonably high standard, and I saw none of the horror stories that I’ve seen shared from home, especially in the Dublin housing market. There is a small amount of selection bias here, as we are not looking at the absolute bottom rung of the housing market, but I am still impressed. I reckon for what we need (2 bedrooms), the houses I’ve seen are all in the bottom 25% of the price range for the market, and none felt like exploitative, low standard housing. There was that one place without a sink in the bathroom, but that was an outlier.

The toughest thing about the whole experience, and what I imagine is a universal truth for those searching for housing at the moment regardless of which city or country, is the ‘always on’ nature of the hunt. It is a full time job, and then some. With the sheer number of people applying for viewings, if you’re not in the first 50 or so people to reply to an ad you’re at nothing. This resulted in us having notifications turned on for any new postings, as well as email summaries being delivered multiple times throughout the day. It’s kind of hard to fully think about anything else, as it’s always on the back of your mind that something might pop up, and you have to be ready to respond.

We have all our documents ready and collated into a single pdf that is easy to share. We have another document that contains our ‘personal statement’, explaining who we are and why we deserve a home, in two different formats as the different sites have different maximum length requirements for this entry. We also have the added benefit of having one of us working full time on a computer all day long, ready to pounce at a moments notice for any new property that matches our requirements.

The whole thing is exhausting. After a few weeks of this, we both sat down the other day and just sighed, it’s overwhelming. I can’t even begin to imagine what this experience must be like for anyone trying to find somewhere to live that also has kids to look after.

A ‘Hello World’ deep dive

Green screen before green screen

Notes on using LLMs in your products

Apple’s researching in ‘Action’ models, or teaching an AI to use an iPhone

A less than glowing insight into working in Apple Retail and it’s fall from grace

A beautiful visualiser of aircrafts ads-b information

Volkswagen, an exploit to pass tests

3 Blue 1 Brown’s video on the inner workings of LLMs


Every single ad for a two bedroom apartment within 5km of Rotterdam City Centre.


Chappell Roan has an unusual name, and a brilliant debut album. ‘Pink Pony Club’ and ‘California’ are getting played a lot in the apartment this week.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth came out recently, and I stumbled across this album of chilled out remixes of famous tracks from the FF universe.

Week in review 2024-14

Simulacrum in Amsterdam, visitors round three and summer arrives in April

Notes on the week

On Saturday night I was sat out on our balcony chatting away with Elle, having a beer, and I was wearing a pair of shorts. It was 18 degrees at 9.45pm. At the same time in Ireland my family were winding down after spending the day fixing two damaged roofs after a day of storms and gale force winds. Climate change is real, and very scary, but in the moment it was pretty nice to enjoy a bit of warm weather after a long, wet and dark winter. The whole city seems to have come alive in the last few days, with flowers blooming, trees sprouting bright green leaves and the people flocking to waterside bars and restaurants. We’re moving house soon, but I’m so glad that we got to experience the start of Spring/Summer properly in the harbour, it’s such a beautiful spot in the city.

A friend from college and his recently engaged Fiancé were in town Friday night and Saturday morning. They had been to visit Efteling during the day, and then got the train to us in Rotterdam. We got to hear the full story about their proposal, what the plans are for the wedding and the reception (One is Dutch and one is American, so there is a huge geographical spread between the required guests), and then went for a lovely brunch together on the Saturday morning. They continued on their way back to Groningen after a quick walking tour of central Rotterdam (Cube houses, Markthall, Maritime Museum - I have this down a tee at this stage) and Elle went to Amsterdam for work on an art project.

Sunday we were back in Amsterdam to visit a Simulacrum event. Simulacrum is a publication, and the event was a launch for their latest edition and included some visual arts, performances and readings. The cover artist for the upcoming edition, and one of the artists showing work at the event was one of our friends, Lore, who is doing the MFA with Elle at the Piet Zwart. She does these incredible large scale pencil drawings, and incorporates some sculptural and performance work into her practice as well. We took a little walk through the streets of Amsterdam after the event (it was so sunny it was impossible to not fall in love with the place) and grabbed a burrito before hopping on the train home. We got to ride on one of the new intercity trains, and sat in First Class (Don’t arrest us NS.NL, there were no other seats). The new trains are weird, they feel faster and are very comfortable to be in with decent seats, plugs on all seats etc, but the actual riding experience of the train is weird. It seems to sway a lot more on the tracks, leading to this weird little wobble feeling in your seat as speed. Elle noticed it too, so it’s not just me being picky. They are also a lot louder on the inside, especially during acceleration. 7/10 overall.

We’re still house hunting, but oddly enough as our move out deadline gets closer and closer, I’m more and more confident that we’ll find somewhere. Maybe it’s the denial phase of the stages of grief, but I’ve met one particular agent at so many viewings that we’re now on first name terms, and I think he might be able to help us. Fingers crossed.

The ultimate FPS Controller

April Cools Club

A course to overcome fear of flying

Brazilian special forces fighting deforestation

How to link shell companies to their owners

The XZ attack shell script

The timeline of the XZ attack

The moon should have it’s own time zone


I’m on the home stretch with my friend Ishmael and his tale of the whale. 80% there and loving it. Not sure if this is Stockholm Syndrome, or just a truly great book. I can’t believe how long I’ve been reading this now, I’ve never read a book so slowly. Going to jump into Andy Weir’s “Project Hail Mary” next for something more aligned with what I’d normally enjoy.


Ethan Bortnick is a crazy musician that my friend Niall introduced me too. His music is really bipolar, half relaxing and half stress inducing. I love it!

I think he’s aware of this dichotomy as he has also released a chilled out piano version called ‘The Lullabies’ to go alongside his main release “Luna Park”

Week in review 2024-13

More visitors, a trip to the beach, F1 Corner gets competitive and a long weekend

Notes on the week

Following immediately after the departure of my friends from Tipperary, we had friends from work pass through Rotterdam as part of their three week long trip around Europe. Having recovered from the shock of one forgotten set of guests, the second we took in our stride. I met the guys for dinner and drinks, watched the Netherlands play Germany in an international friendly, and gave them a long list of things to check out in the city whilst I was working the next day. Their travels must have caught up to them, because the following night they stayed in at their AirBnB and were too tired to venture out two nights in a row. On the third, we hung out at the apartment, and - as is the way with these things - spent most of the night talking about work. They departed for Denmark, the final leg of their tour, the following day.

Our little F1 chat, “F1 Corner”, has gotten competitive. The two lads at home met up to watch one of the races together recently, and during the time after decided to play the F1 23 game to see who could do the fastest lap around the same track the race had taken place on. On the phone the next day they were sharing their lap times and suggested I try to see if I could beat them. I did exactly that, and not long after what started out as a bit of fun has quickly become a formal challenge we will be taking on as a group for the rest of the season.

Each race week we have until Sunday night to set our fastest lap around the circuit being raced on in real life. We can use any car we want, but the “equal performance” setting must be enabled, we can tweak the setup of the car to our hearts content and we must use no ABS and only the lowest Traction Control setting. There is a google Doc set up to record our laps, and after this marathon 24 race season we’ll see who’s the inaugural F1 Corner Champion. This has gotten so serious, so fast that one of the guys has bought his first game console in over a decade to get involved, and there are not so light hearted jokes about people investing in sim-racing wheels and pedals.

We went to the beach this weekend, this wonderful 4 day long weekend thanks to Easter, and it still blows my mind that we can hop on the Metro in Rotterdam City Centre and arrive at the seaside about 40 minutes later. We spent the afternoon walking up and down the beach, across the dunes, sipping coffees and eating burgers. It was a really nice break to get out of the city for a little while, and although it’s still too cold to go for a swim, Elle at least dipped her toes. I wasn’t quite so brave.

House hunting continues. House hunting always continues. There is nothing but the hunt. Notifications are triggered to send the moment a house is posted, pre-prepared messages are ready to be copied, pasted and sent, viewings go into the calendar and we arrive alongside the rest of the legion of “young professionals”, exhausted from trying to make it look like we’ve all got our shit together for the nth time this week. There is friendly banter, but you know that this is your competition. Someone always tries to be extra chatty with the agent from the rental company but we all know that it’s pointless. The veterans already know what questions to ask, and you lurk nearby to make sure you take note. You do Square Metre per Euro calculations in your head, and try to justify it all. I watched the Hunger Games over Christmas, and now I live it.

An AI powered robot for spotting sick tulips

The McLaren MP4/4 F1 Car dissected

Generating a book from years of iMessages

Ticci’s crazy Vision Pro setup

The Apple Jonathon, the concept computer that never shipped


The whale and I are friends now. I’m actually loving it. I read on the Moby Dick subreddit that it really picks up after chapter 41 and I tend to agree. I’m even beginning to find Ishmael’s chapters that completely abandon the plot kind of charming.


“Thoroughly Considered” is a show about product design and small businesses. I love hearing from Myke and the guys from Studio Neat as they chat about design decisions, business decisions and pens. Maybe you will too.

Moby Dick background music. 8 Bit Chiptune versions of sea shanties!

Week in review 2024-12

An astonishingly late update this week. 16mm film scans arrive, as do visitors!

Notes on the week

House viewings continue as House Hunt 2.0 ramps up into full swing. We still have a few weeks to find something, but it’s proving to be pretty tough. Our budget is reasonable, and our requirements are pretty fluid, but the level of demand in Rotterdam, as is the case across most of the world right now, is so high. Fingers crossed that the next few viewings actually trigger some follow up from the agents showing us around.

Elle’s 16mm film scans have arrived! Opening the file was one of the most stressful things I’ve witnessed in person, as the cost (both financial and time) has been so high for her working with this new medium. Thankfully, through a combination of luck and hours researching, it looks like everything went pretty well, and the shots are both exposed correctly and in focus! There is something very strange about watching footage shot in 2024, on a medium from the first half of the last century, there’s some weird mental mismatch going on in my head whenever I watch it back. Like, I know the people in the frame, why are they in the past? As much as the digital supremacist in me hates to admit it, there is a charm and a quality to the images that is very tough to describe, but really nice to watch. I can’t wait to see where she goes with this work.

We went to the art space, Time Window, to see a performance from one of Elle’s college friends and two other artists. The roughly hour or so long piece dealt with impermanence, and started with the audience placing little clay men into cups of water. The performance then went through dance, singing, roller blading, paper airplane making and more, and by the time the show ended our little men had dissolved into the water. It was pretty cool all in all, and we grabbed a drink on the way back home. A really nice evening.

Saturday afternoon we were out in town picking up some bits before Elle visited one of her friends, when I got a text from a friend from home, “We’re on the way!” alongside a picture of the motorway to Dublin. “To the Netherlands?” I replied, half joking - half panicking. They weren’t joking. Turns out a few months ago we had talked about when playing some games together, I had shared hotel recommendations and they had booked their flights. I obviously went to bed that night fully expecting my brain to remember this MAJOR IMPACT on our domestic life and pop it into our shared calendar. Brain did not. Brain did no such thing. Brain completely erased any memory of that conversation, and happily went about day to day life.

The last few days with the lads have been really fun, and the timing of it is spectacular. I had felt the smallest twinge of homesickness on Friday night before bed, and seemingly out of the blue two of my best friends show up on our doorstep. I can’t imagine that it will ever happen again that I’m in literally another country and my friends show up to hang out.

…..except, it happened again. Sunday afternoon I get a text from one of my friends from work, who a few months ago, had told me about a trip himself and some other friends from work were going to be taking through Europe, and how they would be passing through Rotterdam. If this is sounding familiar, refer to the previous tale of important news, filed away mentally to be captured officially later and duly forgotten. They arrive on Monday!

Taiwan is Arrakis

Swinging Pendulum Cryptography

A ride along through Apple Park

Algorithmic Math Art

How to actually use the notes you take

How to make a damn website

Mac Studio meets the Classic Mac with an iPad Screen


“I try all things, I achieve what I can.”
― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, The Whale

The experience of reading this book is as epic a journey as Ahab’s hunt across the seven seas. I sat bolt upright the other day and proclaimed to Elle that I had just finished the first full chapter of the book that I truly enjoyed. Not three chapter’s later Melville was back to his meandering pondering, describing the many attempts of scholars throughout history to accurately describe and capture the image of a whale. On a few occasions I’ve read entire books in one go, cover to cover. It’s the end of March and I’m just past 50%.

A bonus of having the lads visit this week has been getting a bunch of recommendations for new books to read. I don’t know where I’m going to get the time to fit them in, but I’ll try. And in the middle of it all, Sanderson announced ANOTHER secret project, one that has the entire Cosmere community in a state. Roll on 2025 and The Isles of Emberdark


Jersey are this hyper energetic electronic two piece. I know very little about them, but I came across this video of them performing in what looks like someone’s patio, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Their EP, “The World I’m Searching For” is a great listen too!

Week in review 2024-11

A little late on the update this week, blame bank holiday laziness

Notes on the week

The e-ink dashboard project is complete! I had really hoped to get it up and running in time for our anniversary as a gift, but it ended up running one day over (the classic trope of software developer timeline estimates). I got a wooden IKEA frame from HetGoed that was about the correct size, and cut the paper mask to suit the the size of the e-ink panel. My last minute adjustments were overseen by some other members of the Pixelbar, and someone made the brilliant suggestion that the whole thing should be in portrait orientation, not landscape. This made much more sense, but added that last little bit of complexity as I had to re-design my UI to take into account the vertical, rather than horizontal, layout.

The final product works pretty well, and I’m really happy with it as a first attempt at making a hardware project. Every 30 minutes it fetches the latest weather information, as well as Elle’s college calendar and updates the display. After 5PM it stops showing Todays events, and switches to displaying items for tomorrow. One little USB cable out the back provides power, and the whole thing actually looks kind of nice. A future revision would be to drop the Raspberry Pi and use an ESP32 microcontroller to really, really cut down on the power draw. I think that it might last well over 6 months on battery in that case, but for the purposes I want to solve, a power cable is no big deal.

We’re going to Finland!

Ellen’s sister and her band are playing at a folk festival in Kaustinen this summer, and we’re going to go. The plan is to start off in Helsinki, travel up through one or more of the national parks, before arriving at the festival to document Maggie’s performances, maybe shoot some video and beyond that just take in the tunes. I can’t wait! Helsinki was one of the cities on the list of possibilities when Elle started looking to do her Masters, so it will be really interesting to take in the city - not just from the perspective of a tourist, but also wondering what our lives there would have looked like.

Ireland won the six nations for the second time in as many years. I went out to the pub here to watch it, but got my times wrong and ended up watching the end of the Italy/Wales match. Italy, the perennial underdogs of the tournament sealed a historic win to cap what was their best six nations in recent memory. I still cant believe that they went within a few inches of beating France (in Paris) a few weeks ago!

As mentioned above, this week marked six years of Elle and I being together. It’s crazy how fast time flies by, and the milestones that keep racking up on this journey that we’ve been on together. Growing up I always saw myself travelling through and living in different countries, taking in what the world has to offer. As I got through my twenties that kind of faded. I couldn’t tell you when, or why, but the breadth of my desire to explore just shrank. Amongst the litany of wonderful things about her, Elle has completely rekindled that sense of adventure, to try to make the most of every opportunity, to say yes more often than say no. I know it’s not exactly the most glamorous city in the world, but the me of only a few years ago would have never considered moving to Rotterdam, and now I’m sitting here wondering how many more stamps can I get on my passport. For this, and a million reasons more, I’m so grateful

There might be hope for Voyager yet

Getting started with Three.js

Why orbit is hard

Messing with your roommate

Working out NYTimes pangrams

Hackintoshes are not long for the world

John von Neumann on surviving technology, 1955

T-Pain taught himself blender and made a music video

Is Caviar a scam?

Why most sofas suck

Cool sand battery tech


Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology” by Chris Miller was last weeks book, and I’ve followed it up straight away with “The Power Law” by Sebastian Mallaby, which documents the origins and incredible success of Silicon Valley venture capital. These two read back to back make a really interesting pair, documenting the tools that shape our modern world, and the financiers that backed them. The lines between these two worlds really blur, with successful technologists transitioning to the venture world and both authors have done a great job telling the story of the valley.

Meanwhile, in fiction, I’ve been dipping my toe back into Moby Dick. I will, finish, this, book. Like Ahab chasing his white whale, this book will not escape me.


Can’t share this one publicly as it’s unreleased (for now), but a friend shared a song with me that I’ve been playing over and over and over again. Can’t wait for the rest of you to hear it

I’ve been enjoying The Guardian’s ‘Long Read’ podcast, where they produce an audio version of some of their bigger articles. The recent one o Pakistan’s wooing of western travel ‘influencers’ was really good!

Week in review 2024-10

Notes on the week

I have the apartment to myself this weekend, as Elle is back home for a few days. She’s been asked to be the official photographer for an exhibition, and I couldn’t be more proud. It’s a big deal to get paid for your work in the creative arts, and it serves not only as an external validation of your skills and abilities, but also serves to quieten the little voice inside that can be so quick to belittle and detract from the progress you’ve made. One of the tricks to surviving in the arts seems to be finding a gig adjacent to your practice that can be your ‘money job’, the one that keeps the lights on until you get set up as an ‘established artist’. I think this might be exactly one of those gigs.

On a side note, I have a whole ‘theory’ on success in the arts, and how there are 5 or 6 major filter events that an artist must pass through in order to make a living with their work, I’ll dive into it another time.

I’ve been using Day One a lot again. It’s a journalling app that I find is really nice to use, especially when you lower the expectation on yourself. I’m not forcing myself to write deep reflective pondering on the days events, just a few quick lines about what happened. I think it’s so easy to lose memories, especially of the smaller moments, over time so it’s a good idea to keep track, and remind yourself of them in years to come. I try to make sure that there’s at least one photo is each post though, as the visual really helps jog the memory.

We are two weeks into the F1 season, and the on track action is predictably boring. Red Bull and Max have extended their lead over the rest of the field, and it’s a very real possibility that he will win every single race this year. A dramatic prediction two races in, but the advantage of the Red Bull car, and the lack of challenge from Max’s teammate makes it plausible at the very least.

However, as so often is the case, the most dramatic part of F1 isn’t the on track action, but the off-track. The controversy around Red Bull leader Christian Horner refuses to go away, and after an internal investigation cleared him of any wrong doing, a ‘leak’ of text messages between Horner and the accuser found it’s way onto the internet. From the outside looking in, it appears that a full scale power war is taking place within the team, with factions lining up behind Horner, and others behind Helmut Marko, head of the Red Bull young driver program. Marko’s influence is significantly larger than his role would entail, as he is responsible for Red Bull signing Max, and the Verstappen camp are fiercely loyal to him, with Max going so far as to say that if Helmut was to leave, or be forced out, he would go with him.

None of this is resolved, a million questions hang in the air, and if the racing continues to be dull I hope that this drama at least keeps coming for rest of the year.

The Marvel that is modern chip manufacturing

You are not Late

The rise of fast fashion and the global air freight industry

A single year on Pluto is longer that the history of the USA

The internet is a mall, we need corner shops

Viticci is a mad scientist with the MacPad

Baarle is such a strange Dutch/Belgian town

Seriously, it’s weird!

A journey through folklore in Wexford


I threw Moby Dick overboard, try as I might I just couldn’t get into it enough to truly enjoy it. It’s been replaced with “Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology” by Chris Miller. It documents the origins, rise , and continued importance of the global semi-conductor industry. It’s fascinating, insightful and a book that couldn’t be more relevant today. If you see Nvidia becoming the hottest company in the world seemingly overnight, and wonder what’s the competitive advantage, or how they can keep such a monopoly on the AI chip market, this book is for you.


Jacob Collier, who is quite possibly the singularly most talented musician on the planet, has released the final part of his four album “Djesse” project. I adore Jacob’s musicality, but if I had to criticise his work, I just wish that 1% more of his abundant talent had gone towards his songwriting ability. His songs are always technical marvels, but his ability to move a listener emotionally is usually restricted to his interpretations of existing songs. I don’t know if this is the record where he emerges from this, but it’s absolutely a step towards it.

Week in review 2024-09

Sometimes life just hits you with perspective.

Note on the week

When you boil it down, Life is just a bunch of decisions. Some of these will be made by you and others made for you. It’s all just a number of crossroads at a scale that none of us could ever really comprehend. As we make our way through the journey of our lives the scope of these decisions might narrow, and sometimes they might grow. Someone else’s path might cross with yours and all of a sudden you’ve got a co-pilot to help you navigate the cosmic maze that is life.

All we can try to do is try to make the best decisions we can - to choose a path that brings us joy, that brings us safety, that provides for the ones we love, that does the least harm to others. The measure of a life is all these decisions bundled together, and the echos and ripples as they impact others. The beauty of a new life is the blank canvas ahead of us, the potential energy, all the big choices and u-turns, the uncertainty, the mistakes and mishaps and that hope that this time will be different.

It is beyond cruel that sometimes the ultimate decision can be made for someone before they ever even get a chance to make a mark on the canvas. The decisions that you had ahead of you will now hang over the rest of us as questions that will never have answers. What would your favourite colour be? Who would your friends have been? Where would your life take you? Would you have your Dad’s nose? Your Mother’s eyes?

This week two of my friends went through the worst thing a couple can face. They’re going to have these questions, and probably a million more, keeping them up at night for a long, long time. Nothing could ever put your own struggles, your uncertainties or fears into perspective more completely.

Week in review 2024-08

Electronic components arrive, Film gets posted and pedals fall off

Notes on the week

My E-Ink dashboard project is gathering steam. After a productive chat at the Pixelbar , I ordered some components (which arrived the next day - city living has it’s perks), and spent the following evening assembling them into a very crude representation of the finished project. I used the cardboard box that the e-ink display came is as a ‘case’ to hold everything together as I tested everything. Turns out my software works just fine, and updates the display correctly. The problem I’m facing now is the legibility of the text. Something in the process of converting from HTML to a 2 part bitmap for the display is causing a lot of blur, so I need to dive into that this week. Still though, the first time that everything booted up and watching the display come to life was pretty cool.

We’re patiently waiting for Andec , a film processor in Germany, to send us the digital scans of the 16mm film we shot over the Christmas break. I’m equally excited and terrified to see the results. The ‘one-shot’ nature of film is so intense, you either got the shot or you didn’t, and there’s no way to know for days, weeks or even months after the shoot. Compared to the instant review of digital, shooting on film feels like playing a game on the most extreme difficulty setting. So cross you fingers for us that everything was in the frame, in focus and correctly exposed.

I was cycling to the gym earlier in the week and heard a little rattle, then felt a little wobble under my left foot and then felt, nothing. My pedal, crank and all, had fallen off. I know we got our bikes for next to nothing from a charity shop, but this was not one of the inevitable wear and tear failures I was expecting to experience. I guess it highlights just how little I actually know about bike maintenance, and definitely need to reduce my blindspots around. Thankfully the local bike shop was able to get me sorted pretty quickly, the thread had completely worn through so the crank had to be replaced, but they had a suitable one floating around. It’s just typical that the day after I got a puncture. Riding a bike in a city is amazing, owning a bike is a pain. There’s actually a lot to be said for the multiple bike rental companies that operate in the city.

I visited Zandvoort this weekend, which amazingly is completely open to the public. I was able to walk the grandstands, the paddock and pit lane, the hospitality areas etc. The only place off limits really was the track itself, which was understandable as there were plenty of people ripping around in Porsche 911 turbos. I may not have got to see an F1 driving in anger, but being in the cauldron (empty as it was) was a surreal experience. I know tickets for the Dutch GP in particular are so hard to get, but I’m hoping beyond hope that I’ll be able to get one for the Dutch GP later this year.

On Sunday Elle and I visited Kinderdijk, a sleepy little village a kilometres east of Rotterdam, whose name comes from a folk tale where a child and a cat washed ashore in a cradle. It’s also home to a UNESCO world heritage site that hosts nearly twenty 18th century Dutch windmills.

Getting there, a few kilometres away and on the other side of the Maas river was surprisingly easy. We took the bus, but not a regular bus, a Water Bus! Rotterdam is a city of many, many different forms of transport and the Water Bus might just be my favourite. The boat is incredibly comfortable with big plush red seats, amazing views of the river, lots of space to store bikes and very affordable. Our trip was 40 minutes each way, and cost only €9 each. It was so nice to get out into some nature again, we haven’t really left the urban world in the last two months, and seeing loads of green, lots of birds and not hearing the sounds of the city was really nice. Kinderdijk and the walk/cycleway along the polders is free to the public, and we just spend our afternoon walking and exploring, but there is also a number of museums, exhibits, tours and canal boat trips that you can pay for, and I think the next time our families come to visit we’ll be heading back for the full experience.

A short film about Love, Death and Knitting

Satoshi Emails

A programming exercise for kids, without screens

The Coding Train shows what coding was like on the Apple ii

Voyager 1 is in trouble, and I shouldn’t feel this upset about a piece of metal in space

Man in backyard makes contact with the International Space Station

100 uses for a personal website

A quick VisionOS programming tutorial


Moby Dick sucks. Well, maybe that’s unfair, the process of reading Moby Dick sucks. The story itself is actually really good, it’s just such a challenging read. I am a fast reader. If I really get into a book I can usually burn through it in a 24 hour period. The whale is putting up a fight though, the prose is so heavy and meandering, and I’m finding it so hard to get into a ‘rhythm’ with it. During our trip to Kinderdijk this weekend I got through 2 chapters, which is a paltry amount. I really enjoyed them, but I had to work for it.


The BBCs ‘Beyond the Grid’ F1 podcast are running a special series, where they went behind the scenes at Mercedes and Williams in the run up to the 2024 season. I think tomorrow’s episode is going to cover the Hamilton/Ferrari news, and I cannot wait.


I’ve been playing lots of Risk of Rain 2 with some of the guys from home. It’s a ‘Rogue-like’ shooter with pretty simplistic graphics and a super satisfying gameplay loop. I think our next game as a group is PlateUp, which applies the rogue-like loop to restaurant management, I’m nervous and excited.

Week in review 2024-07

A 5k parkrun, CMAT in Amsterdam and Elle learns chess.

Notes on the week

I woke up at 8am on Saturday morning, threw on some gym clothes and cycled to Kralingse Bos to take part in my first ever 5k, the weekly Rotterdam Parkrun. I made a point last year of making running a part of my life, and whilst it started well with the help of an encouraging partner and the wonderful JustRun app, I just never found it becoming habitual and was always an effort.

One of the many benefits of living in a large city is that there are almost certainly a number of other people with shared interests or goals (see the pixelbar for example). I figured what I need to help me get running was a community, so I signed up for the ParkRun during the week, and just showed up on Saturday without knowing what to expect, and without really doing any training either. The crew (all volunteers I add) were great, welcoming and have all the logistics down to a tee. Around 08:58 they called all the runners (around 110) to the starting line and at 09:00 exactly we were off. In the initial pack before everyone gets strung out, it was great to see so many different people across a huge range of age and ability all coming together for this weekly event.

As noted previously, I have not been training for running, have never been good at running (even when I played sports every day of the week I was only ever dangerous over short distance) and have the cardio vascular fitness of a Jaffa Cake. It wasn’t long at all before the elite runners were disappearing into the distance, and I found myself with the pensioners and pram pushers. Honestly that’s not even fair, because what must have been a late arrival absolutely glided past me about 2km in, pushing a svelte and aerodynamic buggy with a sure-to-be future long distance running champion on board. I finished 99th, just inside the top 100 and just inside the 40 minute mark (39:11). To say I have a lot of work to do is an understatement of Dublin Metro North scale, but I think this way of running is magic. You have camaraderie, friendly competition, a number of metrics to measure yourself against and it happens every, single, week. Ask me again how positive I’m feeling about the whole thing if the weather turns ugly next weekend, but the great thing is whether it’s sunny, stormy, wet or dry, I know I’ll be there. Top 100 to top 90 and beyond, sub 40 minutes to sub 35, then who knows maybe even sub 30.

On Thursday we went to Amsterdam to see CMAT play at the Melkweg. Elle’s been a big fan for a long time now, and has been buzzing to see her play live. We got the train from Rotterdam to Amsterdam, about 35 minutes and then a quick tram journey to the venue, without once having to book, or even purchase a ticket for either (you just tap your debit card or phone at the turnstile, or at the door for the tram). Have I mentioned before how good public transport is in this country?

The gig itself was phenomenal. CMAT exudes star quality, and she owned the stage from the moment she stepped out. None of this was in a grandiose manner though, she was self deprecating, funny, full of crowd interaction and really shared the stage (and the spotlight) with the members of her band. I think there are two parts to evaluating a gig - the performance itself, and the crowd’s reaction. The performance was perfect, she really is an incredible vocalist, but the way the crowd hung on to every word really stood out to me. I think the world has been crying out for an artist like CMAT, and for young women especially having someone sing about such relatable things in such a beautiful way is incredible. The guilt of apathy, "And I feel bad ‘cause I didn’t cry when someone I grew up with died", the casual substance use "Shaking my hips and cutting lines , Feels a little passé now, shoulda cherished my wine", one sided relationships "I’m just somе stewardess who feeds your pets ,And does your dishes and pays your rent , And helps you heal from something Heaven-sent" all resonate with people in very real way. I think she’s a breath of fresh air and can’t wait to see what’s next for her.

On Sunday the weather was crap. It rained a lot, but we timed an escape during a predicted break in the rain (thanks buienradar.nl), and cycled to the Library. Elle wants to learn how to play chess, and there’s loads of tables set up for playing in the Rotterdam library. I taught her the pieces, the moves and the objective of the game. I don’t know how someone gets through life without coming into contact with chess, but I was delighted that she hadn’t because the hour or so we spent today together learning about the game, and then playing our first match together was lovely. I hope that we keep it up, I’d love to improve myself, having been on the receiving end of some demolition jobs at the weekly board game night hosted by Library, and even more so I love finding a new activity for us to enjoy together.

Building Vision Pro apps

An excellent retro technology youtube channel

Teaching The Iliad to Chinese Teenagers

Building a raspberry pi webcam with the shell of an old Apple iSight camera

The Web is fantastic

The loneliest photo

How to centre a Div

Apple should get weird


I cracked the code for reading Moby Dick. Sea Shanties! I was determined this week to back into Ishmael’s adventure, and figured I’d try some ambient music to help get in the zone. I put on the soundtrack to Assasin’s Creed Black Flag, a video game set on the high sea and lo and behold it worked, and I’m now burning through the book. The style of writing is so weird, and reads more like the journal of a slightly deranged ADHD sufferer trying their best to tell a story through intermittent bouts of distraction, but I’m getting there.


Rob released what I think is the best song (at least available to the public) that I’ve heard from him. It’s massive, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see this get picked up for sync in Film or TV this year. Congrats on the release Rob!


Poor Things’ is a stunning film that captures all the best of Yorgos Lanthimos unique style of film making, and triumphs in spite of some of the worst aspects of his particular style. We went to see it this weekend at Cinerama, and were blown away. Not one for the squeamish or prudish, (it’s a Lanthimos movie and that comes with all the usual baggage), but definitely my favourite of his films so far. Emma Stone not only delivers a 10/10 performance, but was very hands on with the production of this movie and it shows.

Unscheduled post but this episode of Sherlock and Co is too good to not share.

Week in review 2024-06

F1 silly season continues, Open Studios and the in-laws descend upon Rotterdam

Notes on the week

WDKA just had their Open Day for prospective students, and one part of the program of events is the Open Studios. The current crop of MFA students, of which Elle is one, open the doors of their studios spaces to the public to talk about their work, their process, the college and field any other questions that might come up. It’s a really great idea that’s beneficial for both future students (who get to learn more about the college), and for current students (who get to focus their practice, workshop ideas, and tidy their studio spaces!). I helped out in a small way, painting one of the walls in Elle’s studio that was need of a bit of TLC, and setting up my monitor in her space for people to view some video work of hers. It meant that this weekend would be spent without my usual computer setup at home, an inconvenience any other weekend but not this time because….

The Wallaces were in town! Starting Wednesday, and continuing Thursday and Friday a series of flights landed in the Netherlands carrying Elle’s siblings, plus one partner. It’s important to note that she doesn’t have 696 brothers and sisters (the passenger capacity of four Aer Lingus A320s), but rather her two sisters, one brother, and a sister’s partner were all travelling from different cities. The climate of impact of this weekend was immense, but it was easily exceeded by how good of a time was had. Mandatory visits to the Cube Houses and Markthal were interspersed with Bike rides, Bitterballen, Pints, Movies and the general catching up and good times that can only be had when everyone is in the same room together. The next time we’ll all be together again will be the Summer at the earliest, Christmas at the latest so it was a really precious moment. The fact that the trip lined up with Elle’s Open Studio day was amazing, and it meant we could bring the family to show her work and to meet the new friends we’ve made since moving here.

In my spare time I’ve been working on a little E-Ink dashboard for Elle’s college calendar. Their system is based on MediaWiki, which is for all intents and purposes objectively terrible. You cannot subscribe to the calendar, so you can’t have it sync with your existing iCloud or Google calendars. It has no way to alert you to an update or removal of an event. It is ugly, and honestly is just no fun to use. It is however, completely open to outside internet which means I can write a script to scrape the information (this also means anyone else in the whole world can see the comings and goings of a number of MFA students, but that’s beyond the scope of my ability to change). My goal with this project is to take this information and make a nice little wooden frame that will house an E-Ink display, showing today’s events, the current and predicted weather conditions for the day, and tomorrow’s events.

I’ll make a more detailed breakdown at a later date, but at this point all the code is running, successfully scraping the MediaWiki calendar and parsing out the correct event data, as well as tying into the BuienRadar.nl API to grab weather information. This is all passed into a html template that is laid out in a simple, but hopefully visually pleasing way. Because this information will be rendered on an E-Ink display and running on a very low power cpu, rather than displaying the output of the script as it runs, I convert the html to an image file, which the display will then render. In theory this all works, but the next step is to purchase the physical components and get building. I’ve never really worked with electronics before so this should be lots of frustrating fun!

RSS is pretty great

How to make a self balancing cube

Thoughts after 40 hours with Vision Pro

The Dutch art of doing nothing

The world is awful. The world is better. The world can do much better

Rules for negotiating a job offer

Deepfake video call scams are now a reality

Linux drops support for Floppy Disks


I think I’ve forgotten how to read. Things are not looking good for 12 classics in 12 months.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake part two, Rebirth comes out in just a few weeks, a fact that both to my delight and surprise slid under my radar. With the release impending this weeks MacStories Unwind goes into detail into how Federico is preparing, including a quick overview of the first instalment in the Remake series.

F1 Corner

Last week the F1 community was thrown into disarray with the news that Lewis Hamilton will join Ferrari in 2025. In what has already been a tumultuous off-season (Steiner sacked from Haas, Andretti’s bid to create a new team being rejected, Barcelona being replaced with a Madrid street circuit) the Hamilton news felt like the seismic shock to cap the silly season. However, right now as I type this on Friday morning Christian Horner, Team Principal of Red Bull Racing is taking part in an internal hearing into allegations of inappropriate behaviour made against him by a colleague.

There is little to no information out there other than rumours right now, but to say that he very well may be fighting for his career is no overstatement. F1 is not the old boys club that it used to be, and I applaud the Red Bull organisation for taking any allegations this seriously. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out, and what information makes its way out from the hearing.

Horner, whether you like him or not, is the beating heart of the Red Bull team and his partnership with Adrian Newey has dragged the Milton Keynes team from a curiosity on the fringes of the grid, to a multiple world championship winning team, and in 2023 the most dominant driver/car pairing in the sports history. If Christian is found to have behaved in a way incompatible with his role as team principal, and must go, it will leave a vacuum of monumental scale within the RB hierarchy.